Why did Walt Disney not have something cheesy to say about Step Mothers? Answer: they are a thoroughly bad lot, that’s why. Luckily you decided not to marry again (yet) and although suspicious of the new lady in your life, your adult children have not been too hostile (yet). After three years or so, your minds will turn to making wills. She has no children and is prepared lovingly to give everything to you. You want to see her right but to look after your own children too. You decide to consider carefully what your children will want. Within seconds you guess, “everything”. She will want your home. You give it to her for the duration of her life and then it will go to your children. On your death your children will do the “math” and decide that “your lady” has at least 30 years to go and may see them out. She may make a court claim for full ownership of the house. This is either because she is, understandably, fearful about her future security or a bit of an old bag depending on who yo...
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